About Me

Hey there, my name is Christie!  I am wife to Jason, and mother to Hunter and Noah, our twin boys! Jason and I spent 9 years living the Marine Corps lifestyle, living in 29 Palms, California, and then Jacksonville, NC.  We decided that it had come time to transition from military life to civilian life once we found out we were expecting twins and also looking at going back to the West Coast, all the way across the country from our families.  We have settled in the Charlotte area as Jason now works as an engineer in the racing industry, and I am a stay at home mommy, who still occasionally does a photo shoot here and there!  Hunter and Noah were born early 2014, 6 weeks early but healthy, after 5 years of infertility struggles.  We never imagined how much more love and joy two little boys could bring to our lives, and are so thankful for them every day.  Rounding out our family is Kojak, our 8 year old Australian Shepherd, who has made it his life's mission to take care of our (his) boys.

I enjoy being a mom and wife, DIY, building things, re-purposing, decorating, cooking & baking, crafting, taking pictures, learning all about essential oils and sharing how they've helped our family the natural way, fashion & makeup (even though they take a backseat to pony tails and yoga pants most days..yes, I'm that mom), and all things home and family!

We have a very close family, my parents have been married for 36 years and have been such a constant in our lives.  I am the oldest of three girls, and am so lucky to have such an unbreakable bond with my baby sisters.  I have a spunky 10 year old nephew who broke me in and still is schooling me on what it is to be a boy mom.

I am constantly striving to make our house a home, and have become skilled at blooming where we're planted after much practice being a military wife.  While we are waiting for our forever home, I am making each pit stop as homey and as cozy as I can.

And most importantly, I am a sinner, saved by the grace of our loving Heavenly Father who sent His only son to die on Calvary for our sins.  He has given me so much to be thankful for, has filled my life with such love, has secured my eternity through His ultimate sacrifice and I am grateful everyday.

Thank you for coming by, I hope you enjoy your visit!

Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs