A Fresh Start

Monday, July 20, 2015

Well.  I haven't blogged in over a year.  A busy year.  The first year of our twin boys' lives.  I have decided to retire my old blog, I think I will probably print it as a book, as it chronicles so much of my life from 2007 on.  Mostly mine and Jason's lives pre-children, and living the military lifestyle, and "boy, oh boy", has life changed.  As I am writing, or typing, I am quickly remembering how much I loved blogging, and am excited to get back to it, with a new blog, a new look, and new topics!  A lot will be the same as far as the recipes, home stuff, and crafts/projects, but you know I gotta load up on the baby boy stuff too.  That is my heart.  I never thought I'd be a boy mom.  Or a twin mom either!  I always thought I'd have girls.  And I'd still be totally happy if we had a girl one day, but I love every. single. thing. about being a boy mom.  Those two little guys hold my heart in their tiny, sticky little hands, or better yet, they ARE my heart.  Not only did we have twins last February, the December right before that, Jason and I made a joint decision to end our 9 year run as a Marine Corps family.  It was right for us.  We were facing returning to California, which we loved, but it definitely isn't home for these southern folks, and it was much too far from our family and friends.  Nervous and jobless (and PREGNANT!), we moved back home, and started over.  God provided a good-for-the-time-being job for Jason quickly, and then in May, a long term career opportunity working for a company in the race industry, that he LOVES.  That lead us to the outskirts of the Charlotte area, where we currently rent a little 2 bedroom cottage type house in the city.  I am busy being a mommy, and trying to make this temporary house a home while we try to sell our house at the coast.  Temporary can still feel like home, and that's what I am striving for.  It's a good resting place.  And I promise to take you all along for the journey of what's to come!  Thanks to those who've stuck around since my first ever blog post, and welcome to any newcomers!  And thanks for stopping by Our Little Blessed Nest!

Our little family: My handsome hubs holding Noah, and I'm holding Hunter.
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